Chikumbusko…one year ago

Sarah’s blog 22/01/22

A year ago a little girl was all alone and needed help after her grandad, whom she lived with, went into hospital and subsequently died. This is the story of how sponsoring a child can change their life. This is the story of hope from despair. Being cared for and no longer alone. Having food and clothes instead of hunger and rags.

Levison had been told about Chikumbusko’s situation, but then wasn’t able to find her initially. When he did discover where she was, he saw she was suffering from malaria, was hungry and dressed in old clothes. She was given new clothes from his store and fed. Levison spoke with a kind grandmother who agreed to foster Chikumbusko. Her grandson, Timothy, is already sponsored so, now Chikumbusko is sponsored too, there are now two lots of food going into that little household to make their lives a bit easier. Levison got medicine for Chikumbusko and gradually she has begun to settle into her new home and is looking and feeling better.

Thankfully, a sponsor came forward quickly after reading Chikumbusko’s story, and she will have a better future now she is supported. It’s just £25 p/m to change the live of a child like Chikumbusko so if you can help then please do contact me at I hope you enjoy looking at the photos of how a little girl’s life has changed for the better because of teamwork. Thanks for reading, Sarah x

Would you help someone if you could? Would you like someone to help you if you needed help? Actions speak louder than words…please help

Sarah’s blog 21/12/21

The other day I asked for kind people to sponsor 9 young people to go to secondary school. They have passed their primary school leavers exams and have a place at secondary school…..but no sponsor to pay their fees.

Imagine this was your family, living in extreme poverty, the young people have missed lots of school to try to earn a pittance to buy soap or food. No one in the family eats properly every day. The children have one good substantial meal each week at the feeding programme but they are still hungry through the week. Unfortunately, there are no big agencies feeding children in schools that far north. How are the children in your family going to complete their education? How are they ever to get out of the extreme poverty that the village is living in? Some young people are orphans, living with grandparents or older siblings. Some orphans have even been matched with foster families. If this situation is to improve, then education is the key.

Thanks to three sponsors who have come forward, we only have 6 young people left who are desperately needing a helping hand this Christmas. Because the secondary school is so far away, the young people will need to board. So sponsorship will pay for their school fees, boarding, uniform, exercise books, soap, bedding etc and transport to and from school at the start and end of each term.

Please, can you sponsor one of these young people this Christmas? It will be the best present you could ever give them. Can you share the £25 monthly payment with family or a friend? It’s less than 50p per day if you share sponsorship. Please help. Only 6 young people left to be matched with sponsors. Or can you share on social media or tell your friends? This is my Christmas wish that all these young people’s dreams come true and that together we can change their lives for the better. Thanks for reading, Sarah x

Fourth Sunday in Advent and 9 young people needing your help please

Sarah’s blog 29/12/21

The fourth advent candle is often called the Angel Candle, announcing the birth of Jesus. Also the theme is peace and joy. We wish all our supporters a peaceful and Happy Christmas and thank you for your continued help.

Linking with the Angel Candle theme, we are looking for 9 angels….people who have it in their hearts to help us change the lives of 9 young people. They have passed their primary school leavers exams, have got a place at secondary school but have no hope of a better future as they have no sponsor to pay their fees. If you are able to spare £25 per month (less than £1 per day) to change the direction of the lives of these young people, they and we would be so grateful.

You can sponsor as an individual, split the cost with a friend or family or through your business and, for that young person, it will be one of the most important things you will ever do.

Education is the key to changing the future of the community in Ibuluma where The Foundation is. Young people don’t usually go to high school. No one can afford it. People find piece work where they can. They are untrained and mostly unskilled. They have to take what work they can to try to feed their families. Traditionally, children miss school to help bring a pittance into the family home to try to buy some food or soap. People aren’t eating properly every day. Most suffer from malnutrition. This can change. With your help. Education and skills can change this community….with your kindness and support. The community wants to be self-sufficient. Things have just got so bad that they need a helping hand. We are the fortunate ones. We can be that helping hand.

The young people needing a sponsor to change their lives are; Steria Msachi, Margaret Ng’ambi, Lawrence Mwale, Lameck Ng’ambi, Richman Nyondo, Benjamin Sibale, Brian Sichamba, Elisha Sichamba, Stanley Sinkhala. Do you have it in your heart to help change the lives of one of these young people? thanks for reading, Sarah x

Did you know…..?

Sarah’s blog 15/12/21

I thought another few facts might be helpful as sometimes I forget that not everyone has seen all the posts from the past couple of years. If you ever want to know about anything in particular then please let me know and if I don’t know then I’ll try and find out for you.

  1. Approximately 800 orphans and other vulnerable young people are supported by The William Stewart Foundation in rural Northern Malawi.
  2. The age range is from age 4 to early 20s.
  3. There are no other big agencies feeding children in that area.
  4. Most children suffer from malnutrition and their one substantial, nutritious meal of the week is at the Foundation.
  5. At the moment we can only afford to run the feeding programme once a week.
  6. It costs approximately £100 to feed 500 children and young people.
  7. We fundraise for The William Stewart Foundation and raise awareness of the wonderful work going on to improve the lives of the most vulnerable.
  8. The cost of maize, cooking oil and so many other things have risen in Malawi recently.
  9. Changing Lives Malawi is a small group of 7 volunteer trustees, with a few others who help us, trying hard to change these children’s lives for the better.
  10. We have over 70 children and young people matched with sponsors now but there are many more waiting in desperate need. It only costs £25 per month to give a child the gift of secondary education and food.
  11. Nursery schools and secondary schools charge fees in Malawi and the majority only attend primary school.
  12. Dependant on exam results, there are 36 young people whom the Foundation supports and who now have sponsors, who will be going to secondary school in January. Before the Foundation, and sponsorship, young people didn’t go to secondary school. This is a huge achievement and is something to celebrate.
  13. Changing Lives Malawi sends money from a donation to The Foundation each month to help run the nursery for 50 children age 4-6. This meets 3 times a week and the children are given some food at each session.
  14. A clean water supply has been installed and a shower block thanks to fundraising and generous donations.
  15. We are looking for your help. Can you buy some e-cards or e-gifts? Providing a football will make a big difference as will fruit tree saplings to provide future food and income. Can you share our posts? Do you have a jar of coins or a drawer full of coins that you could donate to us please? As there are so many orphans, vulnerable young people and the elderly needing help and support, it does cost a lot to feed and support them until the Foundation becomes more self-sufficient. But we do not take any money for admin costs here…all the money you donate is used and the small team of volunteers cover the cost of petrol for taking boxes to the container, buying boxes and buying certain things to send.
  16. We are fully committed to the Foundation that the late William Stewart and Levison Mlambya founded. It is amazing what has been achieved in a few short years. So much has been done but there is so much more still to do to change the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in the world. Will you join us on this journey? Whether you have £5 to spare or £25 per month, we need you to help us please. It’s about being part of a team of helpers and we’d love you to help us Changing Lives Malawi. Thanks for reading, Sarah x

Meaningful Cards & Gifts

Sarah’s blog 9/12/21

Whether you’ve got gifts to post, cards to send, something to buy for the person who has everything… then stop relax… we can help you and you can help us… hassle free.

That’s the link where you can find e-cards and e-gifts to purchase. Christmas cards and for other occasions. Also you can send one card to multiple people, saving time and effort. Meaningful gifts. Gifts that are going to change lives. A blanket for a vulnerable child, a football to help children take their mind off their problems whilst they play, soap, fruit tree saplings… we have lots of gifts to choose from. It would mean so much if you could support us to support the hundreds of orphans and other vulnerable children in Northern Malawi. Whether you want to spend £5 or £50 you will be helping us thank you for reading and please ask if you would like any help selecting cards and gifts. Gifts can also be printed out and posted in a lovely card on your behalf. Sarah x

“Actions speak louder than words”

Sarah’s blog 24/11/21

I’ve been reviewing and editing some documents today for Levison in which he was mentioning some of the projects and it’s made me think. It’s also made me thankful. Because of my involvement in this little charity, I have met some wonderful people. I’ve also met many more brilliant people ‘virtually’. There are so many people doing their bit to help others and making the world a better place.

Whether it’s some of the ladies in Malawi that volunteer to help at The Foundation to cook the food for hundreds of children, someone taking an orphan into their home and helping them through the trauma of losing a loved one or volunteer sports coaches or Levison working every waking minute to help those in his village so they don’t go through what he did. So many people in Malawi care and want to improve the lives of the most vulnerable. All are part of a bigger team and show by their actions their care for others.

Here, we have more caring people, also part of that team. People contacting us to donate pre-loved clothes and shoes, knitting beautiful baby clothes or blankets. People bringing books that their children have finished reading to help the literacy project or sponsoring a young person to go to school. There are people giving time and talents and money. We have volunteers packing boxes and driving them to Dundee to the container. All are showing by their actions that they care.

Then there are the people I’ve been lucky enough to meet who are also volunteering their time with other charities and organisations; The Bananabox Trust who organise and pack the container is just one of the charities who are part of our team. There are people and organisations who collect sports kit and have made donations, people who have helped with fundraising, and many, many more lovely people who I would never have met if it hadn’t been for Changing Lives Malawi.

So thank you all for your support and care. Your actions speak louder than words and the orphans and other vulnerable children supported by The Foundation know that people care about them. If you would like to help us then please do get in touch . Thanks for reading and thanks for supporting us. Sarah x